Final Presentation and reflections

Videos of final product:

Reflections and potential changes :

I am very happy with the final product, I think it brings something new and interesting. The rotation of the lamp makes draws the attention of the beholder and makes for a more interesting aesthetic than a standard stationary lamp.

I think the grunge/Industrial aesthetic of the lamp stands out but doesn't look too out of place in the room where it is in use. 

Although I am very happy with the final product there are a few changes I would make if I were to take the product into mainstream production.

Change 1 - Steel bars -  Firstly I would change the steel bars and use aluminium instead. This is because the steel is much harder to bend and machine and it puts a lot more weight and therefore friction onto the shade. If Aluminium were used it would be less resistant to impact however it would be far more easy to machine and bend and it would bring the weight of the shade down by a lot. If I were to design a machine to automate the bar bending process I would use a similar Jig made from more durable materials, this Jig would have a hydraulic machine which would push and bend the bar into the right shape with ease, taking away the need for the profile roller and mallet and any further human labour with the fine tunes and tweaks.

Change 2 - General dimensions - The second change I would make is a small change to the dimensions. I think that the lamp has a good height for general use however it would look more sleek and slender if it were narrower in the edges. The base has plenty of space for the electronics and could be reduced in size. The shade is very customisable in size as it only has to fit the acrylic tube containing the LED strip up through it . I would keep the height but vary the outer diameter of the whole product by slimming it down to about 70 percent. This can be easily done in CAD software to get a new set of measurements. 

Change 3 - Base lighting - After assembling and using the final product I thought that the functionality and light output of the lamp could be even further improved by putting additional lighting under the clear top to the base. Not only would this increase the total amount of light produced by the product but it would make the visible mechanism in the base easier to see, which I thought was one of the interesting and aesthetic aspects of the product.

Thank you for reading and following this blog and the documentation of this prototype.

I welcome any feedback or further Ideas and I would love to hear what the readers think of the final product

David McNeill -

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